Could you chip in a little bit to support a rescue trip to save 60 (or more!) dogs? Each $5 donation saves a life!
Please chip in!
Our friends Connie and Dave are planning another trip. I can’t match Connie for eloquence so here is her email to me from last week:
Hi Michael and all Friends,
David and Ryan are heading back from MN today. We transported on Monday night 58 puppies and big dogs. It was a big transport. Two of the dogs have to come back because they have heartworms. A border collie (pure) and German Shepherd (pure). Animal Humane Society is heartworm testing for us, because it costs so much down here.
We are thankful for the donations for gas. Every penny counts.
Next Friday the 14th, we are planning a huge transport to Chicago. We have one mom with 9 puppies, and right now we have over 30 puppies. For this same transport, we are taking 15 bigger dogs to Paws Humane Society in Chicago.
The plan is to transport 60.
This may be one of the last transports. With the weather changing up north, we have to watch and be careful of snow, ice.
So, this is why THIS transport is so vital. We have to transport next week to give these babies their chance for a home.
Next month may be too late.
We live within 2 miles of the Illinois River. Yesterday a lady found 6 puppies right by the river. What is so bad about this, the damn releases water every 4 hours. If this lady had not of happen upon these babies, well we know they would have been swept down river.
They are very tiny, rat terrier mixes. Very skinny and they were very hungry.
The lady called me, of course. And yes, I told her I would meet her and get them. Took them all to the vet today for their vaccinations.
With TLC, these babies will get to go next week to Chicago.
Each day I get many calls, emails. I never want to turn away a dog or puppy.
Keeping the transports going, taking these precious babies north is their only chance.
So, we are asking one more time for your help, for them.
We named these babies all names from the Bible. We all know how precious these souls are to our Lord.
Will keep you posted.
God Bless,
Connie and Dave
Connie and Dave regularly drive around and pick up doomed dogs from shelters in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri. These dogs would likely be put to sleep if not for them. Your donations literally make the difference as to whether there is enough gas money for these trips to happen or not and whether these dogs live or die- thanks for your support!
All donations go directly from Paypal to Save Our Strays, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible.
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