Monday, March 5, 2012


Could you please chip in $5 to help Abby?

Abby is the mother of Ella, a dog we just raised money for.  Abby was starved by her owners to the awful condition you see in her picture - she weighs less than 50 pounds.  A Pyr her age should weigh at least 90 pounds...

Beautiful young Abby was found nearly dead of starvation.  She was reported to the SPCA and seized from her owners as a victim of abuse.  

Our friends at GP Rescue Oklahoma have agreed to take her and hopefully nurse her back to health.  They need our help to pay for vet bills and food for this poor girl.

Please help us if you can – we are trying to raise $160 for her. 

All donations go directly from Paypal to Great Pyrenees Rescue Oklahoma.

Please chip in - together we can help save her and many more! 

Interested in adopting?  Please contact GPRO rescue at!