"Hi Michael. Could you please help us with poor Amos? Amos was pulled from a high kill shelter in San Angelo. He is approximately 6 years old and was an owner surrender (UGH). He has a badly injured paw and a severe case of pneumonia. He is also heartworm +. His fur is so matted that it will take awhile to get his coat back into shape. We are not even going there yet until we get his pneumonia taken care of. He is so weak he can barely get up.
We really appreciate your help once again. Thank you, Gisela"
Our rescue partners, Rosie and Gisela at St. Cloud’s, need our help to pay for the surgery and other medical costs. Amos is now at St. Clouds.
Please chip in and help raise $160 for him using the ChipIn.
All donations go directly from Paypal to St. Cloud's Rescue, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can save this one and many more!
If you are interested in adopting, please contact St. Clouds at http://stcloudsrescue.org/