Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Could you spare $5 to help this sweet gyrl?

Please ChipIn!

Edith is a beautiful Great Pyr puppy.  Her family ran into hard financial times.  Because they couldn't afford to keep her, they left her at their vet's.  The vet couldn't find her a home.

Fortunately, they thought of calling  Great Pyrenees Rescue Atlanta.  Although they are very, very full, GPRA stepped up to take her in, with our sponsorship.  Our donations will help them to afford to vet and foster her.
All donations go directly from Paypal to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can save this one and many more!

If you are interested in adopting, please contact GPRA at http://www.greatpyratlanta.com/