Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Could you please chip in $5 to help this tattered boy?

Sampson's story is written all over him.  Mange and starvation have made this Great Pyr into a skinny ghost of the big fluffy dog he should be.  With our sponsorship, Carolyn Jordan stepped in to save his life.  He is being treated for the mange and finally getting enough food to eat, so eventually he will be OK.  Our sponsorship will pay part of his medical and fostering costs.

Please chip in to support the costs of his recovery and to support Carolyn's great work.

All donations go directly from Paypal to National Great Pyrenees Rescue, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can help save this one and many more!

Interested in adopting?  Please contact Carolyn at

Willing to help us save more dogs? Here are two ways:

1. Please join our group at

2. Go to our FB page and "like" it: - this will allow you to get updates on our new dogs in your news feed.