Saturday, July 2, 2011


Could you please chip in $5 to help this old gyrl?

Please use our ChipIn at

Tulip is an old Great Pyrenees dog that spent many years chained up.  She slept under a junk car.  She had a choke chain that was cutting into her skin.  When her owner gave her up, she had kennel cough and heartworms.  Why would anyone adopt her?

Lucky for her, the Oklahoma affiliate of National Great Pyr Rescue was up to the challenge.  They got our agreement to sponsor and stepped up to save this old dog.

If you love old dogs (and despise the people that would throw them away like garbage), please help!

All donations go directly from Paypal to National Great Pyrenees Rescue, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible.

Please chip in - together we can help save this one and many more!

Interested in adopting?  Please contact National GP Rescue at

Please join our Facebook group at