Thursday, March 31, 2011


Could you spare $5 to help this pretty lady?

Please chip in at

This skinny St. Bernard is Brandee.  She was in a kill shelter in rural Texas, emaciated and badly infected with heartworms.  With her expensive heartworm condition, her chances of being adopted were zero.

Luckily, our friends Gisela and Rosie from St. Cloud's pulled her from the shelter and will give her a new chance at life!

Please contribute to pay for her extensive heartworm treatment. 

All donations go directly from Paypal to the St. Cloud’s Rescue, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can save this one and many more!

If you are interested in adopting, please contact St. Cloud's in McKinney, Texas at

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Buddy the Beagle

Could you give $5 to help save this boy’s life?

This is Buddy, a fun loving, happy-go-lucky Beagle. His owners turned him in to a kill shelter in rural South Carolina, because they didn't love him enough to find a friend or rescue to take him.

He ran out of time at the shelter, and, with our sponsorship, the Cherokee County Humane Society pulled him. If not for you and your wonderful support of these doomed dogs, he would be dead in that shelter already. Because of your donations, he will instead eventually find a good home.

Please chip in and help raise $140 to help pay for boarding, shots, etc. using the ChipIn.

All donations go directly from Paypal to the Cherokee County Humane Society, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can save this one and many more!

Want to adopt?   He is in South Carolina.  Please contact

Willing to help us save more dogs?   Here are some ways:
1.  Please join our group at
2.  If you are already a Doomed Dogs member, please add a friend to our group by clicking on “Add Friends to Group” on our FB page.
3.  Please go to our FB page and "like" it - this will allow you to get updates on our new dogs in your news feed:
4.  Please share this post on FB (there should be a little Share link just below this post on our FB page).


Could you give $5 to help save this boy?

Please use our ChipIn at

This is Tiger, a handsome Plotthound/Terrier mix.  Here is his story, from an email from Ann Crumb of the Rescue Express:

 "Tiger is an amazing and handsome boy who didn't deserve the abuse he received from his owner. From the time he was a puppy, for two long years, he was chained up and almost starved to death. Then he ended up at Murray County [kill shelter] where The Rescue Express saved him at the very last hour.  Having such a hard life hasn't affected his ability to love and be affectionate.   He is neutered and up to date on shots, but is heartworm positive and needs treatment immediately. Please help us give this gorgeous boy a chance at the life he was born to live and deserves."

All donations go directly from Paypal to Newnan Humane Society, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can save this one and many more!

Want to adopt?   He is in Pennsylvania.  Please contact

Willing to help us save more dogs?   Here are some ways:
1.  Please join our group at
2.  If you are already a Doomed Dogs member, please add a friend to our group by clicking on “Add Friends to Group” on our FB page.
3.  Please go to our FB page and "like" it - this will allow you to get updates on our new dogs in your news feed:
4.  Please share this post on FB (there should be a little Share link just below this post on our FB page).

Brown Pyr Pups

Could you please give $5 to help save these lonely puppies?

Please chip in at

These lonely little puppies had this picture taken in a small kill shelter in rural Texas.  Part of the same litter as the two we helped save a week ago, they had been found at the side of the road near their mother, who had been killed by a car.  Emaciated, they were very lucky to have survived until animal control picked them up.  They were even luckier that our friends at the Texas Great Pyrenees Rescue pulled them from the shelter before they could be killed. Our sponsorship money will go toward their vet bills and other costs.

All donations go directly from Paypal to Texas Great Pyrenees Rescue, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can save this one and many more!

If you are interested in adopting, please contact TGPR at

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Could you give $5 to help save this girl's life?

This is Shamrock, a friendly little Doxy-Beagle mix, who has been lonely and suffering at the shelter. Her owners turned her in to a kill shelter in rural South Carolina, because they they were too lame to come up with a better plan when they felt they could not care for her any more.

She ran out of time at the shelter and was set to be put to sleep.  With our sponsorship, the Cherokee County Humane Society pulled her. If not for you and your wonderful support of these doomed dogs, she would be dead in that shelter already. Because of your donations, she will instead eventually find a good home.

Please chip in and help raise $140 to help pay for boarding, shots, etc. using the ChipIn.

All donations go directly from Paypal to the Cherokee County Humane Society, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can save this one and many more!

Want to adopt?   She is in South Carolina.  Please contact


Could you please give $5 to help save this huge girl?
Please chip in at

This is Ariel.  She and her sister Circe were doomed to die in a kill shelter in Austin, Texas.  Given their condition, they were probably owner surrenders, so they went in one quick step from pets to stressed out, lonely, frightened inmates hoping for their owners to come back.    Luckily, with our sponsorship, our friends at the Texas Great Pyrenees Rescue pulled them from the shelter before they could be killed. Our sponsorship money will go toward Ariel's vet bills and other costs.

All donations go directly from Paypal to Texas Great Pyrenees Rescue, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can save this one and many more!

If you are interested in adopting, please contact TGPR at

Monday, March 28, 2011

Montana Mom and Pups

Could you please chip in $5 to help this abused girl and her puppies?

Please use our ChipIn at

Here is their story, from Christiane of GP Rescue Montana:  

"We need help for a starved Momma (60 lbs) (who has no name) and eight pups, who were born on March 1, 2011 (no names, either). We have seven girls and one boy. Momma is a 1.5 year old pure bred Pyr, babies are supposedly 3/4 Pyr and 1/4 Anatolian. They look pure bred, though, double dew claws and all.

The Momma came from Wyoming. Animal Control Officers had notified Momma's owners that they would take Momma away because of inadequate living conditions, severe neglect and abuse. The problem is that all shelters in that area have a very high kill rate. To save Mom from death, a family in Montana took her into their home. Momma went into labor almost as soon as she arrived and gave birth to eight pups. The family who had rescued her lived on a very low income, and while they were able to shelter her and the babies, they had no money for veterinary care or special food.  They allowed Mom to nurse the pups, which depleted her resources further and exacerbated her hair loss. She has lost about one third of her fur.
When we received the call to save Mom and babies, we knew we had to act. We made an eight hour round trip to pick them up and took them to the vet. They are now safely in a foster home, where the pups get fed several times a day so Mom can recover her health. Mom also gets special foods to speed the weight gain.
We would greatly appreciate assistance with the cost of ongoing vet visits, puppy formula and the spay for the Mom once she has gained some weight back." 

Anyone who donates $25 may name a puppy.  The first person to donate $40 or more may name this courageous mother dog.  Please chip in!

All donations go directly from Paypal to National Great Pyrenees Rescue, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can help save this one and many more!

Interested in adopting?  Please contact Christiane at

Friday, March 25, 2011

Giani (Johnny)

Could you please chip in $5 for this poor guy?

Please chip in at

Giani is sweet dog who had a lot of problems.  He was picked up as a stray and ended up in a kill shelter.  Unfortunately, he has mange and heartworms.  The shelter was set to kill him because, mangy dogs and heartworm positive dogs are hard to adopt - and a mangy, HW+ dog is even harder.  

Luckily, our friends at the Great Pyrenees Rescue Society of Houston are up to a challenge and pulled him from the shelter before he could be killed. Our sponsorship money will go toward vet bills and other costs (of which there will be a lot!).

All donations go directly from Paypal to Great Pyrenees Rescue Society of Houston, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can save this one and many more!

If you are interested in adopting, please contact GPRS at

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Two Pyr Puppies

Could you please give $5 to help save these frightened puppies?

Please chip in at

These scared little puppies had this picture taken in a small kill shelter in rural Texas.  They had been found at the side of the road near their mother, who had been killed by a car.  They were very lucky to have survived until animal control picked them up.  They were even luckier that our friends at the Texas Great Pyrenees Rescue pulled them from the shelter before they could be killed. Our sponsorship money will go toward their vet bills and other costs.

All donations go directly from Paypal to Texas Great Pyrenees Rescue, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can save this one and many more!

If you are interested in adopting, please contact TGPR at

It's interesting to compare their pathetic picture to those of the little puppies we helped save in January - exactly the same sad, scared look.

52 Dog Rescue Trip

Could you chip in to support a rescue trip to save 52 dogs? Each $4 donation saves a life!
Please chip in at 

Our friends Connie and Dave are planning a trip on Friday.  This time it is a trip from Oklahoma to bring at least 52 doomed dogs and puppies to safety in Chicago.  Our $200 sponsorship is about $4 a dog - it can be so cheap to save a puppy's life!
Here are pictures of some of the dogs on this trip.  The single puppy was found in the trash and brought to Connie.  The other dogs come mostly from kill shelters - they just drive around and pick them up and then drive them hundreds of miles to safety!  They are just amazing!

All donations go directly from Paypal to Save Our Strays, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible.

Please help – a little money goes a long way with these angels on earth!


Could you spare $5 to help this sweet girl?

Please ChipIn at

This lovely lady is Lucy.  A gorgeous pure-bred Great Pyrenees, she ended up as a homeless stray in rural Georgia.  She was lucky to run into a caring woman who took her in and arranged to have Great Pyrenees Rescue Atlanta rescue her.  Why can't everyone be so caring as to find a rescue for a stray dog instead of calling animal control?

Although they are very, very full, GPRA stepped up to take her in.  Our sponsorship is helping them to afford to take her.
All donations go directly from Paypal to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can save this one and many more!

Lucy is in Atlanta - if you are interested in adopting, please contact GPRA at  

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Could you please chip in $5 to help this gorgeous boy?

Please use our ChipIn at

Have you ever seen a more handsome dog?  This big boy, a  Great Pyrenees - Anatolian Shepherd mix, is Webster.  Here is his story from rescue angel Carolyn Jordan at Bear Creek Rescue:

"Farmer shot & killed heeler a few days ago, the one remaining Pyr that was with him ran into neighbor's yard.  He was shooting AT the Pyr.  Pyr was limping when neighbor saved him.  She works for city, leaving for work, she put him into a chain link pen in her yard.  Farmer followed dog & insisted that she let him shoot the dog (he had just killed the heeler) and "be done with it".  She refused, contacted us through another rescue & I left immediately to go & get him.  She said she could not guarantee the farmer/neighbor would NOT go onto her property & kill the dog anyway, since no one was at home then.
I advised her to call him immediately & tell him that this dog was now under the protection of the NGPR & if he harmed one hair on this dog, he would have me to deal with...  She did call him & tell him that.  There was no one around when I arrived there after a 1 hr drive.
He was bragging about how many dogs he had killed "for chasing his cattle" & she feared that the 2 Pyrs that disappeared last week, had been killed by him.  She was so relieved to know that we had gotten them & they are safe.  (Nevada & Utah)
We are calling [him] "Webster".  He is a young boy, 12-13 months, 94 lbs, gorgeous.  Lifelong neglect is present. Webster  is a typical (for this area) LGD mix of ASD (Anatolian Shepherd Dog) and Pyrenees.  He is lame on R hip & back leg, but no blood was found or evidence of gunshot wound.  It was Webster  county he was found in.  As I notified NGPR before I left here, it would've been the Webster county jail I would've ended up in, had I encountered the shooter. 
I alerted my vet that I was on the way with a possible GSW & they were expecting me when I arrived there.  
Webster first of all, is Heartworm & Ehrlichiosis positive.  He is undergoing xrays for what's wrong  with his R hip/pelvic/leg area, as we speak.
Eherlichiosis has to be treated first, it's a tick borne & often fatal bleeding disorder that has to be addressed first before proceeding with any other treatments or surgeries.  High dose Doxy for 2-6 weeks, depending on his platelet count.
Will update as soon as I know more about his condition.  Waiting on call from vet now in regards to his orthopedic status." 

All donations go directly from Paypal to National Great Pyrenees Rescue, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can help save this one and many more!

Interested in adopting?  Please contact Carolyn at
Willing to help us save more dogs? Here are two ways:

1. Please join our group at

2. Go to our FB page and "like" it: - this will allow you to get updates on our new dogs in your news feed.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Could you please chip in $5 for this friendly guy?

Please chip in at

Billy is another abuse victim, taken by the police from a person who was prosecuted for animal cruelty.   Just like Carrie,  because it was considered too dangerous for him to stay with his owner, the police took him to a kill shelter so he could be put to sleep.  How kind of them!  

He was lucky, however, and was adopted.  He was even more unlucky as his new owners brought him back to the kill shelter the next day - guess he didn't measure up to their expectations.  What a horrible experience for this poor dog...    

Luckily, with our sponsorship, our friends at the Great Pyrenees Rescue Society of Houston pulled him from the shelter before he could be killed. Our sponsorship money will go toward vet bills and other costs.

All donations go directly from Paypal to Great Pyrenees Rescue Society of Houston, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can save this one and many more!

If you are interested in adopting, please contact GPRS at

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Could you please chip in $5 to help this big guy?

Please use our ChipIn at

This handsome Great Pyrenees dog is Dooley.  He ended up in a kill shelter in rural Tennessee.  

When we first heard of him this week,  the shelter had just put down a Great Pyr for lack of space and he and some others were also slated to die right away.  

Several Pyr rescuers mobilized and National Great Pyr Rescue took him and the others, with our sponsorship.

All donations go directly from Paypal to National Great Pyrenees Rescue, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. 

Please chip in - together we can help save this one and many more!

Interested in adopting?  Please contact National GP Rescue at
Willing to help us save more dogs? Here are two ways:

1. Please join our group at

2. Go to our FB page and "like" it: - this will allow you to get updates on our new dogs in your news feed.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

OK Mom and Pup

Could you chip in $5 to help save this mom and her puppy?

Please chip in at

This pair was the subject of a lot of drama this week in the online Great Pyr rescue community.  They were on their last day at a kill shelter in Oklahoma as Doomed Dogs, National Pyr and other groups looked for a way to save them.  Fortunately, our friends at the Texas Great Pyrenees Rescue pulled them from the shelter before they could be killed. Our sponsorship money will go toward their vet bills and other costs.

All donations go directly from Paypal to Texas Great Pyrenees Rescue, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can save these dogs and many more!

If you are interested in adopting, please contact TGPR at

Willing to help us save more dogs?   Here are some ways:
1.      Please join our group at
2.      If you are already a Doomed Dogs member, please add a friend to our group by clicking on “Add Friends to Group” on our FB page.
3.       Please go to our FB page and "like" it - this will allow you to get updates on our new dogs in your news feed:
4.       Please share this post on FB (there should be a little Share link just below this post on our FB page).


Could you spare $5 to help this boy?

Please ChipIn at

Buddy is a wonderful Great Pyr whose family's house went into foreclosure.  A tragedy for his family for sure - but also a tragedy for poor Buddy.  Rather than finding friends or family to take him in or even finding a rescue for him, they just called animal control to pick him up.  So off he went to kill shelter.  Lucky for him, our friends at Great Pyr Rescue of Atlanta, with our sponsorship, have taken him and put him into foster care.
All donations go directly from Paypal to Great Pyrenees Rescue of Atlanta, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can save this one and many more!

Buddy is in Atlanta - if you are interested in adopting, please contact GPRA at  

Willing to help us save more dogs?   Here are some ways:

1.      Please join our group at
2.      If you are already a Doomed Dogs member, please add a friend to our group by clicking on “Add Friends to Group” on our FB page.
3.       Please go to our FB page and "like" it - this will allow you to get updates on our new dogs in your news feed:
4.       Please share this post on FB (there should be a little Share link just below this post on our FB page).


Could you please chip in $5 for this beautiful girl?

Please ChipIn at

This is Maggie, a gorgeous young badger Pyr.  She was abandoned to life as a stray in rural Texas.  Picked up by animal control, she was taken to a kill shelter to be put to sleep.  Luckily, with our sponsorship, our friends at the Great Pyrenees Rescue Society of Houston pulled her from the shelter before she could be killed. Our sponsorship money will go toward her vet bills and other costs.

All donations go directly from Paypal to Great Pyrenees Rescue Society of Houston, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can save this one and many more!

If you are interested in adopting, please contact GPRS at

Willing to help us save more dogs?   Here are some ways:

1.      Please join our group at
2.      If you are already a Doomed Dogs member, please add a friend to our group by clicking on “Add Friends to Group” on our FB page.
3.       Please go to our FB page and "like" it - this will allow you to get updates on our new dogs in your news feed:
4.       Please share this post on FB (there should be a little Share link just below this post on our FB page).

Friday, March 18, 2011


Could you please give $5 to help save this huge girl?
Please chip in at

This is Circe.  She and her sister Ariel were doomed to die in a kill shelter in Austin, Texas.  Given their condition, they were probably owner surrenders, so they went in one quick step from pets to stressed out, lonely, frightened inmates hoping for their owners to come back.    Luckily, with our sponsorship, our friends at the Texas Great Pyrenees Rescue pulled them from the shelter before they could be killed. Our sponsorship money will go toward Circe's vet bills and other costs.

All donations go directly from Paypal to Texas Great Pyrenees Rescue, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can save this one and many more!

If you are interested in adopting, please contact TGPR at

Willing to help us save more dogs?   Here are some ways:
1.      Please join our group at
2.      If you are already a Doomed Dogs member, please add a friend to our group by clicking on “Add Friends to Group” on our FB page.
3.       Please go to our FB page and "like" it - this will allow you to get updates on our new dogs in your news feed:
4.       Please share this post on FB (there should be a little Share link just below this post on our FB page).