This handsome boy is Yukon. He was a sick stray lucky enough to run into not just one but two guardian angels. He was discovered on the shoulder of a highway by an 81-year old woman, who amazingly stopped to save him. Given his size and condition (and her size and condition), it’s a miracle that this didn’t turn out to be a disaster. She was smart enough not to try to wrestle him into her van – instead she flagged down people to help her. Rescued from the highway, he eventually ended up at Bear Creek with Carolyn Jordan. He was a typical arrival at Bear Creek - he had heartworm, ehrlichiosis and was 40 pounds underweight. Nursed back to health, he found a forever family in New Jersey.
The adoption didn’t stick after he got into a fight with another dog and then got very sick again. So back to Bear Creek he went, where he is being treated for liver damage, low blood proteins and a compromised immune system.
Please chip in and help raise $160 for him using the ChipIn.
All donations go directly from Paypal to National Great Pyrenees Rescue, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can help save this one and many more!