Saturday, January 1, 2011


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Could you spare $5 to save this poor dog?

Sherbet was very lucky that the day his owners brought him to the vets to be put to sleep, our friend Shari Drube was in the waiting room.  Here is how she described it:  “[They brought in] a 2 year old, sweet, sweet, sweet male Pyr to be euthed because he was staying skinny, but their other dogs were fat. He had been in a pen with other dogs and had an injured eye last month from the others beating up on him. Now I am no rocket scientist, but could it possibly be that the others were keeping him from eating or maybe the fact that he had never been wormed/vetted contributed? The people were sobbing when they dropped him off and the vet tech brought him right to me where he implored me to save him without words. Such a sweet boy, rubbed his head against any hand he saw and pleaded with those liquid brown eyes. We are thinking of naming him  Creamsicle, Push Pop or Sherbet because that is his color from being rolled  in the cold, orange mud by the other dogs.”
Shari, of course, scooped him up.  She and the wonderful people at Lonestar North will nurse him back to health, get him vetted, transport him to safety in New England and eventually find him a good home.  Unfortunately, Sherbet has a number of medical issues aside from being painfully thin – he has worms and needs operations on both knees.

They need our help to save this sweet Pyr.  Our donations will help with the vet costs for this poor guy.

Please help us raise the $160 we need to help them save Sherbet using the ChipIn.

All donations go directly from Paypal to Lonestar Pyrs and Paws, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can help save Sherbet and many more!

Thank you so much for contributing. Your donations are having a big impact – we helped save 31 dogs in December and over 70 dogs in 2010.  Your continuing generosity is wonderful!