Would you give $5 to help these puppies?
These two adorable Pyr puppies (one female, one male) are only about 4 weeks old. They were torn from their mother and brought to a kill shelter for disposal. Because puppies, especially very young ones, are difficult to care for, they are often killed quickly by shelters. Luckily for them, our friends at Lonestar Pyrs & Paws Texas scooped them up. They will need a lot of care (still bottle feeding) and vetting, but for now they are safe!
We get to name them! The first two people donating $40 or more can each name one!
Please help us raise the $200 we need to help save these puppies using the ChipIn.
All donations go directly from Paypal to the Lonestar Pyrs & Paws Texas, a 501(c)(3) charity, and are tax-deductible. Please chip in - together we can save them and many more!